The group trudges up to Camp Muir, at about 10,000 feet,with the Nisqually Glacier, Cleaver and Ice Cliff in the background.
Because it was such a great climb and since we came home with so many pics, I thought I’d share some more.

Camp Muir. We’ll camp in tents, thanks.

And up closer, the plush guest cabin on the left makes some Andean rifugios feel like a Four Seasons.

Our home for the night. The route to DC passed right below us.

Sunset to the west illuminates the sky overhead– get out of the shot Chalmers!!

Christy and Lissa on the DC at dawn the next morning.

Lindsay and Nick lead through a broken up stretch.

Craig, Nick and Lissa cruise along the crater rim before heading down to our packs.

Lindsay’s team on descent.
Fun, fun, fun.
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