Geyser Pass Yurt
A ski trip to the Geyser Pass Yurt and Mount Mellenthin in the La Sal mountains outside Moab, Utah.
A ski trip to the Geyser Pass Yurt and Mount Mellenthin in the La Sal mountains outside Moab, Utah.
Hut Run Hut, a six-day running and hiking adventure across 100 miles of single track, jeep roads, and alpine ridges, staying in five different 10th Mountain Division huts along the way.
A five day ski traverse through the Urner region of the Swiss Alps.
Would a big winter weather forecast force the cancellation of a holiday hut trip?
A new twist on the annual Christmas Tree outing.
The summer trail running season is upon us and our Hut Run Hut trips are in full swing. Here’s a look at our first trip back in July.
A six-day hut and ski traverse through the Otztal region of the Tyrloean Alps.
Our annual Christmas Eve Hut Trip, now in its 9th year, was to Tagert Hut. Five of us made the trip up to celebrate the holiday and do a little skiing on Christmas morning.
A five day ski traverse (loop) through the Berner Oberland region of the Swiss Alps with huts, summits, good weather and bad.
We ventured to Barnard Hut for Thanksgiving this year, and Christy towed a cooked turkey in a sled the entire way.
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