Date: May 22, 2013
Team: Dav, Ted, Dr. Jon Kedrowski, Scott Rinckenberger
Route: East Face Couloirs

Dav and Jon approach the big east face of Oklahoma. Our ski line was the narrow couloir indicated.
We had a great day on this Centennial summit. Its central location in the state affords commanding views of most of the state– from the Elks to the Gores to the San Juans. But even being able to see far away mountains, what stood out to us was how much snow was right where we were– the Sawatch– and how little dust and dirt was present. That makes for better skiing, better photos, and a longer season. That’s good news for those who haven’t yet hung up their gear for the summer. It should be possible to ski well into June on the north faces of some of these peaks.
See you out there.

On top, with Mount Massive as the backdrop.

Off the top and onto the East Face.

On the upper slopes.

As we skied the east side, Jon went down Oklahoma’s SE Ridge in hopes of getting some photos. You can barely see him out there. Elbert, French Mountain, and Casco Peak can be seen in the distance.

Unlike the San Juans, the snow up here in the Sawatch is white and still has a bit of winter to it. Dav jump turns down the East Face.

Dav in the coolie. It was pretty fun, and pretty tight. Scott Rinckenberger photo.

My turn in the couloir.

And another Dav shot by Scott.

Scott’s turn in the couloir.