Descending from Castor’s summit. The route started all the way out on the snowy plateau in the distance.
With the race behind us, we made our way from Zinal to Zermatt where we would finally be able to make use of the 40 lb. duffel of climbing gear we had been carting around with us.

Christy heads south across the glacier.

A look back to the terminal with the Matterhorn behind.

Mixed weather and wind in the morning later changed into a beautiful day in the Alps. Castor is the larger peak to the right, you can see small teams of climbers ascending the snowy face. Pollux is the smaller peak to its left.
The goal was a peak called Castor, a popular local summit, and one of Europe’s “4000ers”. The combination of easy access from the Klein Matterhorn tram and a straightforward snow climb results in a large number of people on the route this time of year. We haven’t been out in the mountains much in this part of the world, so the thought of others on the route didn’t bother us. Besides when you’re new to an area it’s sometimes good to have a few others around just to make sure you’re actually going the right way.

On the snowy face, heading up.

Two teams on the ridge to the summit.

It’s pretty narrow, not much room to pass an oncoming group.

On the summit, 13,864 ft. The close-up photo hides the fact that there were people all around.

On the descent, you can see other groups climbing up, approaching the bergschrund.
And we were back in Zermatt in time for an afternoon beer with our friend Lyndsay. And the vacation continues.
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