Reinhold Messner
An amazing talk and Q&A with Reinhold Messner on the subject of sustaining alpinism as a way of life.
An amazing talk and Q&A with Reinhold Messner on the subject of sustaining alpinism as a way of life.
The rocky ridge on the mountain’s north side climbs for about 2,000 feet to where it joins the standard East Ridge route. After our run up Quandary’s East Ridge we decided to climb the mountain a second time (the next day) at a more casual pace. The north side of the mountain has a seldom visited, semi-technical climbing route called the Inwood Arete that we wanted to explore. (more…)
Ellingwood’s solo effort in late August day in 1921, the first reported ascent of the ridge that now bears his name, was way ahead of its time. Last weekend, Christy, Dirk and I followed in his footsteps, and despite the passing of ninety years, it seemed as though not much has changed.
A writeup from a 2008 climb of the Kiener’s Route on Longs Peak.
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