Nolan’s 14 Recap
In 2016 I finished Nolan’s 14 in 55:37 following the route north from Mt Shavano to Mt Massive, a near 100 mile course that climbs 14 14ers along the way.
In 2016 I finished Nolan’s 14 in 55:37 following the route north from Mt Shavano to Mt Massive, a near 100 mile course that climbs 14 14ers along the way.
A Sad Day for the Tele’s Route: Northeast Face Team: Ted, Christy, Dirk Bockelmann, Philip Ping Flaunting her new boots to the couloir, Christy’s eager to go. Christy is always picking on me for having more shoes than she, and when you count all of my old beat up running sneakers she may be right, I could stand to toss a few old pairs. But the most recent addition to...
Solo shot on the summit. Route: Northwest Face Team: Ted Huron would be straightforward. I had been up this trail twice before and felt it to be safe for a solo ski. The snow closure and subsequent car camp was at the Winfield ghost town. Early the next morning I skinned from the car on very frozen snow, and with a few solo days behind me this spring I was...
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