I’ll have to move faster if I want to make the self-timer photo.
Route: South Slopes
Team: Ted (solo)
Ahh, the mighty Mount Sherman. Quite a change from the Wilson group just a few days earlier.
It was the perfect peak to wind down on after an aggressive May (ten peaks in fourteen days). Being unable to sell a day trip to anyone I knew, I went alone. From the east the road access is good and high, by this time in the spring the continuous lines were so beat down by the sun and winds I deemed a blister to be the most serious objective hazard I might encounter.
But it’s still 14,000 feet high. Skinning the sastrugi when it approached moderate angles was challenging as the skins would lose their purchase. Ski crampons were useful. The ribbons of snow meandered up the mountain, sometimes dead ending, which was of course a bit frustrating.
In the end it was a good day though. A bit windy at the top which was OK by me considering the gale forces that regularly blow through the mountains around here. Some quick auto timed shots up top and I was back at the car before I knew it.
From the looks of things during my drive home, while dressed in shorts and a tee, I realized this might do it for the season, the snow was disappearing fast. Maybe we could get in just one more, I thought. I kind of remember Antero looking good from the summit of Princeton last week. Maybe we should check that out.

The South Slopes as as seen from the road, just past the Leavick trailhead.

Ribbons of love lead all the way to the summit.

Take 2 – Mount Masive in the background.

I’ll have to move faster if I want to make the photo.
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