Date: June 8 & 9, 2013
Route: Oklahoma’s East Ridge to Halfmoon Lake, Casco’s East Face, French’s South Face
Team: Christy, Lissa Ballinger, Anda Smalls

On top of Casco Peak last Sunday.
We’re pretty sure everyone has gotten over hearing about skiing at this point, but the snow just continued to hang on in the Sawatch Range so I was able to check off a few more peaks this past weekend. I had missed Mt. Oklahoma, Casco Peak, and French Mountain when Ted and Dav had skied them back in May, and had hoped I could get them done before the snow disappeared. The snow was definitely getting thin but still allowed for some really good last turns of the season.
On Saturday, Lissa Ballinger and I left Aspen at 4:30am to ski Mount Oklahoma, starting from the North Halfmoon Trailhead, following the trail to the lakes, and then gaining the summit ridge. Ted, Dav, and Jon Kedrowski had also done Oklahoma this way, which seems to be the most straightforward. We had great corn on the broad, east face and skied right back to the trail where we had switched from trail shoes to ski boots.

Approaching the Halfmoon Lakes on the route up Oklahoma. The east face can be seen to the top left of the photo.

Lissa on the descent back down to the lake. The roundtrip stats for the day were: 6 hours, 8.3 miles, and 3935 vertical ft. climbed.
Chris, Ted, and I have all been trying to get ready for Lake City 50 miler next weekend, cramming in the running miles when we can. So back at the car, Lissa and I switched to running gear and drove the short way over to Turquoise Lake for a perfect 12+ mile loop around the lake before calling it a day. The trail around the lake offers amazing views of the surrounding peaks and runs along the sandy beaches for 6 miles, making it a really scenic run and fun way to enjoy Leadville.
The alarm went off again at 4:00am on Sunday, for one more day of backcountry skiing. Anda Smalls and I headed back to the same area to tag Casco and French before hangin’ them up for the season. We started at the French/Casco trailhead on Halfmoon Creek, just two miles past the Mount Massive Trailhead, the latter of which was overflowing with cars. Funny though, we didn’t see anyone all day. We had the beautiful basin all to ourselves for the and enjoyed every moment to its fullest.

Brrrr. Ted, Chris and the gang drove through the creek here back when they skied Casco and French in May, but the water was much higher today so we opted to walk through the freezing cold, recently melted snow.

The upper crossing was running high too. We were probably within a week of the peak runoff for the spring.

Skiing Casco.

After Casco (behind) we traversed up and over to French Mountain, which was even thinner.

Nearing the summit of French. The line on Casco can be seen behind.

Anda and me on the summit.

This dwindling patch of snow offered the ski descent from the top.

Anda takes the ribbon down to the lower ski lines on French.

Some pretty good June snow lead us (Anda seen here) all the way back to the road down in the valley.

It had a closing day feel for sure.

Definitely thin and going fast, but good for a checkmark on our list. #84, done!
That’s going to do it for the 2013 spring season for us, and what a good spring we had. Chris, Ted, and I are all near 85 Centennial Peaks skied (83, 85, and 84 respectively), which puts us in a good position to possibly finish next spring. It would help to have a more typical winter that the past two, but no matter how the snow comes in in 2014, we’re going to give it our best shot.
Next season will be here before we know it! Thanks for following along.