Buckskin Pass
The summer wouldn’t be complete without getting out on the Four Pass Loop. There was actually a good amount of snow on the peaks after a recent round of cold, bad weather– kind of unusual for this time of year. It sure made for a pretty day and a great run.

Snow in August happens from time to time, but this was a lot. About six inches was the report from friends who were climbing the Bells.

Snowmass Mountain living up to its name. Obviously it was a bit chilly, hence the hood.

The past few seasons the flowers were withering a bit by now, but with all the rain they were still having a good bloom.

Feels like fall. Maybe we’ll have a strong Indian Summer? Or maybe we’ll just head right into a huge winter?

Coming down from Trail Rider.

This outing never gets old.

Frigid Air
We got a bit behind on posting here recently. We were away in Europe and are just getting to some of the fun things we did while we were over there. Next up will be something from Sierre-Zinal.
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