Mount Raoul
A 20 mile ski outing to Mount Raoul, 13,803 ft, near Castle Peak, with a return trip over Conundrum Peak and down the Conundrum Couloir
A 20 mile ski outing to Mount Raoul, 13,803 ft, near Castle Peak, with a return trip over Conundrum Peak and down the Conundrum Couloir
Breaking trail to the high point in the upper basin. Castle Peak’s 14,000 foot summit is up above. Conundrum Peak doesn’t make the cut as an official 14er according to the Colorado Mountain Club and the 300′ rule. But the Conundrum Couloir that splits its east face is such a classic climb and ski that it deserves a spot on every Colorado ski mountaineers checklist. A friend told me that...
Skiing the Conundrum Couloir on the 4th!
A great day skiing Castle and Conundrum peaks.
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