Spring is Here
Getting back to normal and out on skis after my hip replacement… and how it all progressed.
Getting back to normal and out on skis after my hip replacement… and how it all progressed.
Amos Whiting, Dirk and I headed to Mount Sopris on Friday. Our initial plan was to ski the Crystal Chute, the 6000 foot couloir that descends towards Carbondale, a line that has been on all of our ‘ticklists’ for some time. After shuttling a car to the couloirs exit, or at least where we believed it to be, we drove towards the Dinkle Lake trailhead and made our way up...
The rando guys will lead the charge The weather outlook wasn’t promising. In fact, the forecast looked so bad for Saturday morning we thought we might not be able to ski at all. Then I came across some interesting info at the 5 Point Film festival. It turns out a local Carbondale guy was setting up a “friendly” race up Mount Sopris (12,953 ft.) that morning and that there would be nearly twenty participants marching...
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