The Wild Women Ultra in Kenya
I am excited to share information about an upcoming ultra that I will be running and an organization that I am fundraising for.
I am excited to share information about an upcoming ultra that I will be running and an organization that I am fundraising for.
We ran the 2018 Philadelphia Marathon and loved it. Here are some thoughts about the race that we thought were worth sharing.
Any finish at the Hardrock 100 should be considered a great achievement. There are so many ways to come up short on the burly course that anyone who makes it all the way back to Silverton deserves to be commended.
I like my number. “Dewalt Tough” is in regard to John Dewalt, a race veteran who recently passed away. It’s Hardrock 100 time again. It’s hard to believe, but this year will be my 7th go at this race. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I was here for the first time. Back in 2007 I made my first trip around this incredible course. I returned...
When you look at the chart it’s probably not surprising that things started to change around Mile 23, near the top of the second big climb. You might think after a half a dozen times at the same race that things would get easier. Sure, it helps to have some familiarity with the course and to be clued in to what lies ahead, but even with that and years of...
Descending Mount Bross. Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln, and Bross– a.k.a. Decalibron, at least to those who obsess over 14ers here in Colorado. Peakbaggers love the easy Decalibron loop, allowing for four 14,000 foot summits to be tagged from the trailhead at Kite Lake, outside of Alma. (more…)
Nearing the “Narrows” aid station, near mile 15 Christy and I have run the San Juan Solstice 50 two times now and decided we wanted to try something new. So in place of the Lake City, Colorado race, with it’s huge vertical gains and high elevations, we ventured to a different 50 miler we had long heard of, in northern Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains. The Bighorn Wild & Scenic race weekend...
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