1000 miles of Hardrock 100
I recently completed my 10th Hardrock 100, finishing in 29 hours and 26 minutes which was fast enough for 7th place. That comes to 1000 miles I’ve run on the ultra-marathon course in the San Juans.
I recently completed my 10th Hardrock 100, finishing in 29 hours and 26 minutes which was fast enough for 7th place. That comes to 1000 miles I’ve run on the ultra-marathon course in the San Juans.
Niagara Peak, #101 on the list of Colorado summits, has a really good north facing ski route.
Summing up the Hardrock 100 is always a challenge, though when it goes well it’s admittedly easier. This year, my 8th time running, was relatively smooth. I finished in 28:52, my 3rd fastest time, which was good enough for 7th place overall.
I like my number. “Dewalt Tough” is in regard to John Dewalt, a race veteran who recently passed away. It’s Hardrock 100 time again. It’s hard to believe, but this year will be my 7th go at this race. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago that I was here for the first time. Back in 2007 I made my first trip around this incredible course. I returned...
We wrapped up our San Juan road trip yesterday with a surprisingly fun ski descent of Jones Mountain.
Joey in the Pope Chute. In need of a change of scenery after a hectic holiday stretch in Aspen, we went down to ski Silverton Mountain last weekend. They were a little light on snow, and the temps were frigid (-22F as we drove to the ski area Saturday morning), but Christy, Joey, and I still had a great time. (more…)
The race was awesome. Reflecting on it briefly here, a few things stick out– I improved on my prior 2007 time, cutting off 1:16, with a good amount of credit due to meeting my goal of getting through aids stops faster. A crash in the early parts slowed me down for a bit, a simplified strategy for food and fluids worked better than my mixed menu last time and the...
You’re only considered to have finished when you kiss the rock. The Hardrock 100 starts tomorrow at 6am, and with any luck could be over sometime Saturday. How will it go? Well, there’s so much to this race, so many variables and unknowns that it’s impossible to say for sure, until it’s over. So I have to fall back on the cliche for my answer– it’s hard telling, not knowing....
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