I wanted to announce our upcoming slideshow at Neptune Mountaineering in Boulder, Thursday night at 8pm. Christy and I are going to present the Centennial Ski Project— what it is, what we’ve done, and what’s yet to come.
Unfortunately Chris Davenport can’t attend with us, but he’ll be there in the photos. We have so many great shots from last spring it should be a good slideshow, so we’re excited for it, but also a bit nervous because Neptune’s usually draws a large crowd, and we haven’t presented on this topic before.
Come by if you can make it, or cruise by the Southern Sun afterwards and we can catch up over a beer.

Looking out from the summit of UN13811
And on the topic of the Centennial Peaks, we officially started the season last weekend with a trip down to Lake City, and a successful day up on UN13811. The full trip report is posted on the CentennialSkiers.com website here. Check it out, we had a beautiful January day and managed to ski from the summit of one of the remaining high 13ers on our list, while catching views of some others we still need to ski. It was great to get back up on a high summit. Some years you just can’t do that in January.

A view of the Lake City Ice Park.
And while we were there, we also hit up the Lake City Ice Park for some fun top-roped ice climbing. We didn’t get on the ice at all last winter, so we were pretty rusty, but it didn’t take long to get it all back. The park is small compared to Ouray, but many of the pitches are quite long and sustained. For beta, bring a lot of extra rope for extending anchors, and consider a 70 meter or longer if available or you might not be able to belay many of the pitches from below.

Christy high on our “warmup” pitch. We probably should have started with something a bit easier as we hadn’t climbed ice in a couple of years.
See you at Neptune’s.
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