Out in the neighborhood of Ragged Peak on a perfect mid-winter day.
The weather was ideal and the avalanche stability had improved, dropping to between moderate and low. It was a perfect weekend to join our friends at their cabin up in the Ragged’s above Marble.
Every time we visit here it’s a great time. There’s just so much terrain to see and ski, some of which is just too inaccessible without the sort of advanced base camp that a remote cabin like this provides.
And this time was no exception, we were able to get into a very hard to reach valley that we had never been to before. It was really cool.
Sometimes the snow and the skiing isn’t what’s most important in a day, the location and the group you’re with can be what makes an outing memorable. And when you can get a day like we experienced this past weekend you might only realize in hindsight that it was the highlight of the season.

Ruthie, with the backside of Chair Mountain behind.

Christy descending to Rapid Creek.

The recent wind that came in a few days earlier registered at 110 mph at the top of Snowmass. We saw a lot of big trees that were downed as a result.

Nearing the headwaters of the Rapid Creek.

Kim nearing the high point of one of the climbs.

Time for lunch.

Some local unnamed peaks.

Skiing our way home.

Al crests the pass in the late afternoon light.

The view Saturday afternoon, the backside of the Maroon Bells are visible out to the right.

We came across a few of the locals the next day on a tour to the west.

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