The approach, justified. Well actually, skiing 13,300 foot Mount Daly is almost always a great day, as it was for us last Saturday. In fact, I think it would probably be a hugely popular Aspen objective, much like Mount Hayden, were it not for the drawn out approach. So I say “grind” half-seriously, because the climbing and skiing is usually really fun and worthwhile once up in the basin, it’s...
Christy leaves her mark on, among other places, page 12. Off season’s here, and now that Aspen has effectively shut down, anyone with free time enough to get away has been packing up and leaving town. This spring, that ever-present drive to hit the road has us heading to Canada to keep the ski season rolling for a little while longer. I’ll head up to Calgary on Monday to meet...
So it’s all set. The new Power of Four race is officially “sold out” with 75 teams of two registered to start in the morning. I was out yesterday with Dirk and Pete Swenson, helping with the course marking between Snowmass and Buttermilk. About 11,000 feet of vertical gain with ski descents of the Hanging Valley Wall, Highland Bowl and Silver Queen, all under forecasted sunny skies have it shaping...
Joey, cold smoke. We’re halfway through the season, and despite the fact that every major storm thus far has skirted us to the north or south, the first half of winter, and January in particular, proved to be pretty good for backcountry skiing. With any luck, the second half of winter will be even better. (more…)
Sean takes it first here. Consider it good advice when up in his neighborhood to at least offer him the first drop. We’ve had a couple of outstanding backcountry ski days around Ashcroft this week, with long powder runs and total solitude. That is unless you consider repeated bighorn sheep encounters as feeling crowded. Some pics: (more…)
Christy prances through the snow. The holiday season is upon us, and if you live and work in a resort town such as Aspen, it’s not quite the vacation you might think. Everything and everyone is maxed out– the mountain is busy, you work everyday, town is packed, you can’t park anywhere or walk into a restaurant without a reservation. Of course the business/ busy-ness is welcome, but by the...
The North Face of North Maroon Peak, 14,014 feet, from the new book, Fifty Classic Ski Descents in North America. If you ask Christy and me, 2010 was a pretty good year. The skiing was great, the races went well, the summer was memorable, we had quite a few fun adventures away from Aspen and of course Christy finished skiing the 14ers. As I was trying to organize things on...
There’s something about making your first turns of the season that’s always special.
Soon-to-be hot off the press, and just in time for the holidays. Earlier today I was given the opportunity to pore over a proof of the much anticipated new book, Fifty Classic Ski Descents in North America, and it looks awesome. The 200+ page, large format book, a collaboration by Chris Davenport, Art Burrows and Penn Newhard, just gets better and better with every passing page. According to the press...
J Love, just happy to be here. “It may not be the smartest thing to do,” Johnny said, “but I think I want to try.” Well, as many of his friends can attest, when given a choice, Johnny Love hasn’t done the smart thing every time. But when he called me to ask my opinion on whether or not I thought “it would count” towards his 81 month streak of...