Longs Peak North Face Ski Descent – 5.14.05
An amazing powder ski of the North Face of Longs Peak.
An amazing powder ski of the North Face of Longs Peak.
The view to the south before the overcast conditions took over. Route: South Slopes form Halfmoon Creek Team: Ted (solo) For a while, I just couldn’t seem to catch Mount Massive right. Apart from deteriorating weather and high winds as the day progressed, an earlier solo attempt a week prior proved completely demoralizing. On that day, I aimed for the east side of the mountain. After several miles of solo...
Solo shot on the summit. Route: Northwest Face Team: Ted Huron would be straightforward. I had been up this trail twice before and felt it to be safe for a solo ski. The snow closure and subsequent car camp was at the Winfield ghost town. Early the next morning I skinned from the car on very frozen snow, and with a few solo days behind me this spring I was...
Route: West Face Team: Ted (solo) I drove south from Mount Yale towards Humboldt Peak, and camped at the South Colony Lakes trailhead. The five mile jeep road was completely snow covered, which took me by surprise. I had expected to drive a good stretch of the road so as I crawled into my sleeping bag I was none too psyched about the bonus distance added to the morning. All...
Solo ski day of the SIlver Creek Bowl on Mount Yale.
Skiing the Cristo Couloir with Horton the Quandary Dog.
An amazing October day up in Montezuma and on Castle Peak.
Late season, sun cupped snow provided a terrible ski descent on Mount Antero.
I’ll have to move faster if I want to make the self-timer photo. Route: South Slopes Team: Ted (solo) Ahh, the mighty Mount Sherman. Quite a change from the Wilson group just a few days earlier. It was the perfect peak to wind down on after an aggressive May (ten peaks in fourteen days). Being unable to sell a day trip to anyone I knew, I went alone. From the...
A 2004 ski descent of the Northwest side of Wilson Peak.
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