Sunshine, from Handies, in 2008. The big triangular face was filled in better than it is here in this photo.
Route: Northwest Face
Team: Ted (solo)
Having just skied Redcloud Peak, and with the clouds keeping the conditions cool, I put the skins back on and headed for the saddle between the two summits. With some booting required, I gained the ridge and from there it’s easy work to Sunshine’s summit- just a foot over the 14K mark. The Northwest Face has a great line on it, in a simple sense— even pitched and sustained angle. With a few inches of new snow deposited from the passing storms, it was right at the top of my comfort zone for a solo ski.
Back down at the truck I crawled in my sleeping bag while and read for a bit, before driving up the Cinnamon Pass Road to where it splits with the American Basin trailhead. I’d sleep there and hit Handies Peak in the morning.

The fork of Silver Creek I skied down through. Tons of debris from earlier slides remained.
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