Date: May 20, 2013
Team: Dav, Ted, Darcy Conover, Adam Moszynski, Scott Rinckenberger, Jamie Starr
Route: Casco’s East Ridge and French’s Southeast Face
After Jones Mountain we headed home, wrapping up a fun week down in the San Juans. The break was short though, and after only a single day at home, we loaded up the RV and headed out again. Our goal– the mountains of the Sawatch Range near Leadville.

The gang on Casco.
First up was actually a twofer– Casco Peak, 13,908 ft., and French Mountain, 13,940 ft. These two high summits are located right by Mount Elbert and Mount Massive and are often done as a pair. So after a comfy night in the RV along Halfmoon Creek, seven of us– Darcy Conover and Adam Mosczinski, Jamie Starr, Scott Rinckenberger, Dav, and I– headed up to Casco along the South Halfmoon Creek approach. (Unfortunately, Christy had to stay in Aspen to work a few days. She’ll hook up with us again soon.)

Jamie, Adam, Darcy and myself scout a line on Casco. Scott Rinckenberger photo.

Darcy on Casco’s East Face.

Adam, with Elbert’s big West Face behind.

Jamie Starr. The recent weather left a good amount of new snow on the mountains around here.

Another shot of Darcy. Casco’s East Face offers several lines for skiing.

Dav and Scott skied a line to the left. Scott Rinckenberger photo.
The route up the old mining road passes quickly, and once up high, we managed to climb and ski both peaks before things got too warm. And on another positive note, in addition to what seems to be a relative abundance of snow for this time of year, there was little to no dust visible. Apart from some serious slogging through rotten snow back to the trailhead, we all had a pretty awesome day.

Skinning up towards French, with patches of sun illuminating the slope. Scott Rinckenberger photo.

Dav skins up towards French, with his Casco ski line indicated.

Dav and I near the top of French. Scott Rinckenberger photo.

A look back towards Casco. Scott Rinkenberger photo.

Dav follows Scott down French.

Adam, psyched for the ski we got on French.
Thanks to Scott for sharing some of his photos for this post.
Next up– Oklahoma.