Truro Peak
A day trip to Truro Peak, a 13er in the Lincoln Creek Valley
A day trip to Truro Peak, a 13er in the Lincoln Creek Valley
Climbing the Sleeping Sexton, the 13er next to the Maroon Bells.
A traverse of the cirque that frames Groundhog Basin, with a summit of Pyramid Mountain
An overnight to Yule Lakes with a hike of nearby Treasure Mountain.
A two night backpack into Bushnell Lakes to climb Bushnell Peak and the Twin SIsters.
Reflecting back on my first climb of Pyramid peak 25 years ago, alongside a recent climb with a friend.
A backpacking getaway to Wetterhorn Creek in the San Juan mountains outside of Lake City.
Looking for a quiet route on Mount Elbert? Consider the Black Cloud Trail.
A two day backpack in the Sangres through Venable and Comanche creeks and the Phantom Terrace
A weekend 13er peakbagging backpack trip to Horn Lakes in the Sangres.
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