Mount Rainier in a day
Ski Mount Rainier in a day? Sure, just get an early start.
Ski Mount Rainier in a day? Sure, just get an early start.
Christy skis down the Southeast face of Mount Hayden on a perfect bluebird day. Thanks for the pics, Anda! The abbreviated backcountry ski season keeps going. These photos are from a ski outing that Christy, Anda, and I recently made to Hayden Peak and South Hayden. (more…)
Is the “tough” part of the slogan meant to describe the lottery? The lottery for the 2012 Hardrock 100 was on Sunday, and I’m thrilled to report that I got in again. Some say the lottery process is the hardest part of the race. While that’s definitely an exaggeration, if you’re not given a chance to run because you can’t get a number, well then it’s sort of true. This...
“Remember: Hiking to the river and back in one day is dangerous and never recommended due to limited shade, extreme heat and a near 5,000 foot elevation change!” – from The Guide- Maps and Information for Grand Canyon National Park, issued to visitors upon arrival. Christy on the snowy descent from the North Rim. Well they got the elevation part right, at least for the South Rim section of the...
I pulled out the GoPro last weekend while mountain biking in Fruita. Here’s a little clip I put together from a ride with Philip, Troy and Wheaton, down the 18 Road luge-course known as the Kessel Run. It’s set to music from the Boulder-based band The Amends. Their first, self-titled album was released earlier this summer and is definitely worth checking out.
When last weekend’s weather forecast wasn’t looking conducive to outdoor activities around Aspen, Christy and I decided to head to Moab.
Ellingwood’s solo effort in late August day in 1921, the first reported ascent of the ridge that now bears his name, was way ahead of its time. Last weekend, Christy, Dirk and I followed in his footsteps, and despite the passing of ninety years, it seemed as though not much has changed.
Saturday’s Bear 100 was about as good as it gets for me. After three consecutive years at Hardrock, and running no other races at the 100 mile distance, I mistakenly came to believe all 100’s are like that massive San Juan suffer-fest. They’re not. And the early July date of Hardrock, being so close to the spring skiing season which has always taken priority, usually means I’m just barely feeling...
The 100 mile course across the Bear Range comes in at about 22,000 feet of gain. Click to enlarge. Time for another long one. The Bear 100 starts at six on Friday morning. (more…)
Christy descends to Copper Lake from East Maroon Pass, through flurrying snow and graupel. Forty-one miles, 9,600 feet of gain, with a high point of 12,900 feet over three passes and four valleys– that counts as a pretty long day in my book. Our friend Tim always tells Christy and I we’re “masters of the long day.” I guess in a relative sense experience does lend itself to smooth adventures,...
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