“Siberia Peak”
A 2020 spring trip in to ski the East Face of “Siberia Peak” deep in the Elk Mountains
A 2020 spring trip in to ski the East Face of “Siberia Peak” deep in the Elk Mountains
The big East Face of Snowmass Mountain is one of the best 14er ski descents in the Elk Mountains.
[I originally posted this on Centennialskiers.com, a report from our final Centennial ski trip to Jagged Mountain, #100. We did it!] On Jagged’s 13,824 foot summit. We climbed and skied Jagged Mountain, our 100th and final ski descent of the Centennial Ski Project. Christy, Chris, and I, along with our friend Pete Gaston, emerged from a four day trip in the Weminuche Wilderness on Thursday, in awe of a mountain...
A report from our second attempt to ski Pigeon and Turret peaks in the Weminuche Wilderness.
Once we were on top and we could look down the line of Grenadiers to the east, and to the impressive Needle Mountains to the south, we were all keenly aware that we were experiencing something special.
Jupiter Mountain, 13,830 ft., the first peak of our big Weminuche Wilderness ski traverse back in the spring of 2014.
A five day ski traverse through the Weminuche Wilderness, from Needleton to Elk Park, with ski descents of Jupiter Mountain and Vestal Peak.
I wrote a piece for Powder Magazine online about our 10 day Bugaboos to Rogers Pass Traverse. Read it here!
Sunday afternoon we made it to Rogers Pass, ten days after being dropped off in the middle of nowhere, by the Bugaboo Spires. Eight of us made the 85+ mile traverse, climbing some 32,000 vertical feet along the way. (more…)
Lindsay, Angie, Craig and Nick descend the Emmons Glacier. Last April, when warm weather and dusty snow seemed to call an end to the Colorado spring ski season, we booked tickets to the Pacific Northwest and set our sights on some peaks in the Cascades. But when winter made a surprise comeback here at home, we were faced with a decision. We could head up to Rainier and Hood as...
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