Earning the 100-day pin in Aspen Snowmass
Reminiscing about a ski trip to Morocco.
Reminiscing about a ski trip to Morocco.
The Broncos may have lost the Superbowl, but countless champions were crowned up in Highland Bowl this weekend. Tim scored his own title here in Filip’s Leap. The snow arrived Thursday and began to fall at a rate we don’t often see (or at least for too long) through sometime Saturday morning. When it was all said and done, the words historic or even biblical were being thrown around to...
The start of the loop course. Photo courtesy of the Aspen Daily News Thanks to everyone involved for getting last nights ski mountaineering (skimo) race off successfully. Donning headlamps and the lightest touring gear they could find, about 30 people, a majority of whom were women, lined up for the 5:30pm start. It was the first of a series of four races to take place at Aspen Highlands this season,...
Saturday’s bad weather made for classic storm day conditions up in Highland Bowl. The wind and low visibility kept the fair weather crowds away, and the snow only piled up deeper as the day progressed. Here’s a little video from Christy’s Bowl day. If it isn’t obvious, she’s a proud member of the camp that believes that you should never ride the snowcat up the ridge, no matter how short...
The signs were pointing to an exceptionally busy Saturday at Highlands. So we decided to hit one of our favorite lines on Highlands Ridge and made it a “one and done” day.
Always preferring to check conditions firsthand, AHSP’s Powder Weasel– seen above in the Northwoods– determined things were pretty good. If I were him, I might have deemed a second run through as necessary to fully assess things before opening it to the public. Because I found myself with so many deep powder pics I decided that a third post from our huge storm was warranted– if it pushes my coverage...
Tim blasts through a stacked “Stop Sign” on Sunday. It seemed the snow was refilling old tracks wherever we went. If you weren’t around this past weekend you missed out on a special offering at Highlands– free refills from Saturday to Tuesday– and not the type that come from the soda fountain at the Merry Go Round. Through the entire extended weekend it seemed like every lap in Highland Bowl...
Amy Beidleman agreed it was likely more than 3-5, but couldn’t get an official number as her ruler didn’t have a measurement that went all the way to ‘waist deep’. Click pics to enlarge. I’ve seen it before, during extended dry periods of past winters, people can become a little jaded and skeptical of storm predictions. Whether the forecasts are incorrect or simply not calling for any big dumps, after...
Adam Dennis drops into the “facet farm.” On the plus side– facets are pretty good for getting powder photos. On the plus side, everything we encountered on our lap off of Highlands Ridge was better than we expected. Of course in full disclosure we had all set the bar pretty low. Deeming it an important product research/ snow conditions survey, Dirk checked out of the Aspen Expeditions office on an...
Neal Beidleman, halfway into his second frame. Hang out at Aspen Highlands enough and you’ll eventually overhear conversations rehashing the days exploits up in the Bowl using proper bowling terms, and in a style more commonly reserved for the 10 pin, Budweiser sponsored, indoor “sport.” Basically, this type of ski slang/ Bowl-speak works like this– to ski the Bowl from the top is considered a strike, and to ski any...
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