Up top, not much to see here, either. Route: South Slopes Team: Ted, Chris Davenport Even though I had already skied Mount Sherman once in 2004, I still welcomed Chris’s invitation to do something different and get out of Aspen for the day. We could talk up some more exciting trips for spring and maybe somewhere down the road he would return the favor and come along with me when...
A January ski descent of Quandary peak with Chris Davenport and Horton the Quandary Dog.
With the ramp finished, a pole touch from the benchmark, we were ready. Route: North Face Team: Ted, Christy With the arrival of June, north facing snow was about all that was left. The view of Missouri’s north side from La Plata the week before showed it was still in from the top, or so it appeared. Christy and I were excited as we made the quick trip over Independence...
A redo on Mount Evans after an earlier botched attempt on a different route.
Skiing the Cristo Couloir with Horton the Quandary Dog.
Late season, sun cupped snow provided a terrible ski descent on Mount Antero.
Catching Mount Princeton in rare ski form back in 2004.
Mount Harvard and a ski descent of the South Slopes.
The West Face of Columbia, seen from Harvard earlier that morning. Route: West Face Team: Ted, Christy The thought of not trying for Columbia right after Harvard, even if it was a bit warm and a bit late was not one Christy or I wanted to entertain. At this point in time I was barely halfway through the ski list and wasn’t set on skiing them all, but Christy would...
Box Creek Cirque is arguably the best ski line on Mount Elbert.