Island in the Sky
The weather was forecasted to be pretty nice. I wasn’t going to be skiing for while. A mid-winter break to the desert just felt like the right thing to do.
The weather was forecasted to be pretty nice. I wasn’t going to be skiing for while. A mid-winter break to the desert just felt like the right thing to do.
Go Dirk. The Backcountry Skiing and Ski Mountaineering in Rocky Mountain National Park guidebook is on the shelves, and gracing the cover is a photo of mine– that of Dirk Bockelmann skiing the North Face of Longs Peak. (more…)
The massive West Fork Complex wildfire that burned out of control for several weeks this summer has been contained, but not before consuming 110,000 acres of forest. It was never a threat to us here in Aspen thankfully, but for those living in the burn area (Creede/Pagosa Springs/South Fork) it was an extremely serious situation. (more…)
It was twenty-five degrees with snow on the ground this morning. Hopefully it’s not too late to post some fall color pics from a recent trip to Kebler Pass. (more…)
The North Face of North Maroon Peak, 14,014 feet, from the new book, Fifty Classic Ski Descents in North America. If you ask Christy and me, 2010 was a pretty good year. The skiing was great, the races went well, the summer was memorable, we had quite a few fun adventures away from Aspen and of course Christy finished skiing the 14ers. As I was trying to organize things on...
If the set goal for the day was to ski good snow we would have been let down. Instead, Christy, Tim and I went to Hayden on Sunday and filed it under the category of “getting out for some adventure” rather than “epic backcountry day”– and that small label change made it appealing. After all, when I was up here last Tuesday the snow left much to be desired and...
I think the photo annual is my favorite issue of a magazine. So it was pretty cool when Christy thumbed through the latest Rock & Ice – The Photo Issue, and stumbled across a familiar image in the ‘Everyman’s Exposed’ section. After a quick doubletake, she tossed the magazine over to me and there was the shot, of Camp 2.7 and the mushroom ridge on Ama Dablam. I had totally forgotten submitting the...
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