(More catching up- this from April 28th and 29th)
All Chris Davenport said was that two of his friends, who get after it around Tahoe and the Sierras, were coming to town and looking to ski, and that they were going to call Neal and me. He also said they crushed him on a trip to Mount Williamson, a 14er in California, last month. Hmm, that’s something you don’t hear often. Who are these guys? Chris sold them on the idea of heading to Aspen to ski some of the local classics and knowing Chris; we can all guess what mountains made up the list.
First, they set out on what they considered a casual warmup day. They skied Hayden’s Northwest Couloir and pushed out of Conundrum Creek, hitching a ride to catch a lift at Highlands, get an afternoon Five Fingers run, and still get back in time for some beers at Apres. The following day (while we were on Willow Peak), they executed a four-hour round trip assault on nearby North Maroon, declaring it the “easiest 14er they had ever done”, and decided Pyramid was next. I felt it was my duty to show this duo around, and even though I had already skied Pyramid’s East Face before, the decision was easy. We met the following day around four AM and set off.

Glen Poulsen on the summit of Pyramid Peak.

Right off the top it’s steep.
A short way down from the summit.

More photos from the Landry Line.

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