Pyramid Mountain – 13,054 ft.
A traverse of the cirque that frames Groundhog Basin, with a summit of Pyramid Mountain
A traverse of the cirque that frames Groundhog Basin, with a summit of Pyramid Mountain
An overnight to Yule Lakes with a hike of nearby Treasure Mountain.
A two night backpack into Bushnell Lakes to climb Bushnell Peak and the Twin SIsters.
Hut Run Hut, a six-day running and hiking adventure across 100 miles of single track, jeep roads, and alpine ridges, staying in five different 10th Mountain Division huts along the way.
Consider these suggested routes as options for long-day adventures in Aspen.
A backpacking getaway to Wetterhorn Creek in the San Juan mountains outside of Lake City.
Route options for your summer hike from Aspen to Crested Butte.
Looking for a quiet route on Mount Elbert? Consider the Black Cloud Trail.
Hitting the desert for a mid winter break.
A trip to San Rafael Swell to explore Bell and Little Horse Canyon and Chute and Crack canyons.
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