We made another trip into our favorite Colorado wilderness area- the Weminuche, more specifically, Leviathan Lake.
We made another trip into our favorite Colorado wilderness area- the Weminuche, more specifically, Leviathan Lake.
That was about all I could do on my run the other day. East Maroon to Triangle Pass to Conundrum was the goal.
I knew I’d be in chase mode. I haven’t been out for more than a few short runs since Hardrock, and these guys were so fast, I went out with the simple goal– to just keep up.
A backpack and trail run around North Crestone Lake, Comanche Pass, the Phantom Terrace, and 13ers.
The crew– Christy, Neal Beidleman and Chris Davenport. They deserve a lot of the credit for getting me here while it was still breakfast hour on Saturday in Silverton. Thanks guys, you’re awesome. In the days that follow this enormous undertaking, I’m usually so drained– mentally, physically, and emotionally– that I struggle to assimilate all that took place. I recall it in bits and pieces– mental images of the course,...
Hopefully I’ll keep myself together better than the old Hardrock, which broke to pieces and had to be replaced with this one for 2012. Hardrock’s here, and I couldn’t be more excited. This is my 5th time running the course, but only my 2nd time around in the clockwise direction around the loop. Just as a reminder, because I doubt anyone is really keeping track, the last time I ran...
On the airy spine of Coxcomb. I guess the 3rd time is the charm. Back in 2006, despite a weather forecast for steady rain, Christy and I made the drive to Middle Cimarron Creek in the North San Juans, and backpacked high in the valley below Coxcomb Peak. We had long known of this uniquely shaped mountain near the Uncompahgre and Wetterhorn peaks, and had it on our list to...
Chase and Christy take off down to Snowmass Creek. Snowmass Mountain looks to have the snow cover more typical of August. One silver lining of a light winter is that the summer routes on the peaks and the trails are clear of snow earlier than usual. Christy, Chase Edgerton, and I ran the Four Pass Loop last Saturday, about a month or so before we’ve been able to do it...
A peakbagging and trailrunning day trip to some 13ers above Cotton Lake in the Sangres
Christy skis down the Southeast face of Mount Hayden on a perfect bluebird day. Thanks for the pics, Anda! The abbreviated backcountry ski season keeps going. These photos are from a ski outing that Christy, Anda, and I recently made to Hayden Peak and South Hayden. (more…)
On Easter Sunday, we skied a line off of a local unnamed summit that neither Christy nor I have been to before. Like a lot of 13ers in the state, this 13,500+ foot summit has never been given an official name.
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