Crestone Peak Ski Descent – 3.1.08
An amazing outing to ski teh South Couloir on Crestone Peak.
An amazing outing to ski teh South Couloir on Crestone Peak.
Heading up the easy terrain to the West Ridge of Cronin Peak. Date: Feb. 9, 2008Team: Christy, TedRoute: East Face For high peaks in the Sawatch, the East Face couloirs of Cronin Peak are a worthy goal. We made the easy ski up the Baldwin Creek Jeep Road commonly used to access Antero, and the headed west into the basin where easy access to Cronin Peak’s West Ridge can be...
It had been two weeks since Christy and I had skied down in the San Juans and although we were wearing shorts in Aspen now, our friend in Telluride insisted we could still ski the classic Northeast Face of Wilson Peak.
Skiing the Hourglass Couloir on the 14er Little Bear Peak in 2007.
The line down the Southwest Face. Route: Southwest Couloir Team: Christy, Ted Excited by a prospect of a second new descent after the route we just completed on Sunlight, we transitioned back to uphill mode and began up Windom Peak. Climbing to the side of the Widowmaker, we were up top quick, with a big decision. The common ski line on Windom is the Widowmaker, to the northwest, which I...
The ski line, as seen from Eolus the day before. Route: Northwest Couloirs Team: Christy, Ted The morning began much like it did for Eolus, the day before. We were moving fast. Once we reached upper Needle Creek, we headed east towards Sunlight Peak and Windom Peak. Being Memorial Day Weekend there were others around and the boot tracks ran in several directions. There were people nearing the summit of...
A 2007 spring ski mission into Chicago basin to ski Mount Eolus.
Crestone Needle in the morning light. Route: Southeast Face Team: Ted (solo) After Lindsey I headed to the South Colony Lakes 2wd trailhead and set up camp out of the truck. I was asleep by nine. In the dark I pushed up the road on the ATV, taking it until snow finally stopped me. I would ski down Humboldt’s long Southeast gully to near there so it was actually the...
On the summit, looking towards Blanca. Route: North Face Couloir Team: Ted (solo) Having parted with Dirk and Christy after Tabeguache, I made my way down to the southern Sangres. Little Bear needed a visit before the snow melted, I had the ATV in tow and figured I would give it a shot, solo. Down here though, the afternoon showers we just fled on Tab were full on storms. I...
A trip report from a ski descent of the North Face of Tabeguache Peak.
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