Back in the Saddle
The Lake City Alpine 50 mountain bike race was last weekend, a 50-mile race on the popular Alpine Loop outside of Lake City, Colorado.
The Lake City Alpine 50 mountain bike race was last weekend, a 50-mile race on the popular Alpine Loop outside of Lake City, Colorado.
A backpacking getaway to Wetterhorn Creek in the San Juan mountains outside of Lake City.
A trip report from a ski descent of UN13581 in the Lake City area of the San Juans.
Nearing the top of the first climb. The San Juan Solstice 50 miler took place last weekend in the quiet mountain town of Lake City. We’ve always loved this hilly course in the northeast San Juan Mountains. One or both of us have run this race for most of the past ten years. It’s become an annual summer kickoff event for us. This year was as nice as ever, it...
A look back on the course towards the Papoose fire, near Rio Grande Reservoir, somewhere around mile 35. The San Juan Solstice 50 mile run was last weekend. It’s always been a favorite race of ours, and this year was made even better when both Christy and I managed to finish in our best times to date. (more…)
Runners somewhere around mile 8, on the ridge between Alpine Gulch and Williams. At the end of this ridge are the 14ers Redcloud and Sunshine. Astronomically speaking, Monday the 21st was the longest day of the year, but for about 200 runners, Saturday’s annual San Juan Solstice 50 Miler in Lake City marked the real beginning of summer. Blue skies, dry trails and resulting dry feet contributed to a record...
A couple of climbers deep in the park. To get right to the point– it hasn’t snowed in a while so we went ice climbing. (more…)
So it was a record breaking ski season and snow year in most of Colorado. That’s good, right? Well it was way back in January that Christy, Richard Betts and I made plans to run this race. The mountainous course touches 13,300 ft., has more than 12,000 feet of elevation gain and spends the majority of miles well above 10K(with a huge stretch above 12K). Last June Christy had ideal conditions and a...
San Juan Ski Weekend – Day 2 We were up early. The forecast called for a beautiful spring day and with a goal to ski Handies Peak(14,048 ft.) from the east we knew we had to stay ahead of the sun. In 1999 I skied here from the American Basin/west side of the mountain and was eager to return, trying for the more exciting east side. There’s a great couloir(NE)...
Redcloud and Sunshine peaks, a great pair of 14ers outside of Lake City that you can ski in a single day.
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