Crestone Peak – North Couloir
Only during a special season does the North Couloir on Crestone Peak have enough snow to ski. 2008 was one of those years….
Only during a special season does the North Couloir on Crestone Peak have enough snow to ski. 2008 was one of those years….
A spring descent of Kit Carson’s Outward Bound Couloir, a Sangre classic!
A spring ski descent of the south couloirs on Quandary Peak with some adventure friends from out of town.
A late spring (June 1) ski descent of South Maroon Peak.
A spring climb and ski descent in 2008 of Hagerman Peak, near Snowmass Mountain and Snowmass Lake. We don’t hear much about Hagerman Peak. Even being one of the tallest (top-ten) local peaks in the Aspen area, it seems to garner little attention.
We hooked up with a gang of friends from town and headed up to Cathedral Lake. Our goal was the Pearl Couloir of Cathedral, an area classic and sweet objective by itself. At the top of the couloir however, Christy and I would continue on up and over to Cathedral’s true summit, and ski it’s Southeast Face.
An epic Type II fun day on a remote 13er in the San Juans. There were definitely some lesson learned.
I skied Len Shoemaker Peak back in 2008 with some legendary locals.
Skiing Pyramid and Castle over two days in 2008.
Glen on the summit. Route: East Face Team: Ted, John Morrison, Glen Poulsen All Chris Davenport said was that two of his friends, who get after it around Tahoe and the Sierras, were coming to town and looking to ski, and that they were going to call Neal and me. Oh and one more thing, they crushed him (Chris) on Mount Williamson, a 14er in California, last month. Hmm, that’s something you never...
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