Mount Wilson Ski Descent – 5.19.04
A 2004 ski descent of the North Face of Mount Wilson from Navajo Basin.
A 2004 ski descent of the North Face of Mount Wilson from Navajo Basin.
Skiing was easy on the soft, north facing snow. Route: North Face Team: Ted, Dirk Bockelmann After some pretty good days so far this spring (we were just in the Sangres), and with a week remaining before work starts up, I figured I should keep charging. Dirk was free as well, so we decided to head down to the San Juans with the three peaks of the Wilson group in...
A Sangre adventure to ski Blanca and Ellingwood Point.
The sun crests the saddle between Blanca and Ellingwood and warms the chill. Route: South Face Team: Christy, Ted After coming off our big push in the Sawatch the weekend prior, we wanted to check out the Sangres. There was enough snow down there still to ski, but it was going fast. We made the drive to towards Alamosa and then up the horrendous Como Lake Road to a reasonable...
Catching Mount Princeton in rare ski form back in 2004.
Mount Harvard and a ski descent of the South Slopes.
The West Face of Columbia, seen from Harvard earlier that morning. Route: West Face Team: Ted, Christy The thought of not trying for Columbia right after Harvard, even if it was a bit warm and a bit late was not one Christy or I wanted to entertain. At this point in time I was barely halfway through the ski list and wasn’t set on skiing them all, but Christy would...
Box Creek Cirque is arguably the best ski line on Mount Elbert.
Mount Bierstadt is one of the easiest peaks on the list of 14ers to ski. Route: West Flank Team: Christy, Ted We decided on Bierstadt. The morning before we were in Chamonix. After skiing the Haute Route (Chamonix to Zermatt) with friends May Eynon, Jon Gibans, Katie Monahan, and Dick and Paulina Jackson, we decided to end the trip early when bad weather ruled out a ski attempt of Mont...
A 2004 ski descent of the East Face of Castle Peak from Tagert Hut with Amos Whiting and Dirk Bockelman.
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