Twining Peak Ski Descent
Looking for a straiughforward ski descent of a high 13er? Head to Twining Peak.
Looking for a straiughforward ski descent of a high 13er? Head to Twining Peak.
Getting a few more turns in the late spring up on Independence Pass.
A how-to guide to spring skiing on Independence Pass.
A ski descent of the Grand Central Couloir on Sayres Benchmark, near La Plata Peak.
Late season ski descents of Mount Champion and UN13736 on the east side of Independence Pass.
A wrap up of our 2016 spring ski season on the 13ers and 14ers.
Photos from various days skiing Twining Peak up on Independence Pass.
We wanted to go climb a mountain this past weekend, and we were unsure of where to go. We were looking for something that was tall, nearby, and was a summit we hadn’t yet climbed. It was actually kind of hard to find a mountain that fit that description.
Ski descent of the Grizzly Couloir on Grizzly Peak, 13,988 ft., up the Lincoln Creek Valley near Independence Pass.
The last ski days of the 2011 spring season in Aspen, including the southwest face of South Maroon and Independence Pass.
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