Redcloud and Sunshine
Redcloud and Sunshine peaks, a great pair of 14ers outside of Lake City that you can ski in a single day.
Redcloud and Sunshine peaks, a great pair of 14ers outside of Lake City that you can ski in a single day.
The rando guys will lead the charge The weather outlook wasn’t promising. In fact, the forecast looked so bad for Saturday morning we thought we might not be able to ski at all. Then I came across some interesting info at the 5 Point Film festival. It turns out a local Carbondale guy was setting up a “friendly” race up Mount Sopris (12,953 ft.) that morning and that there would be nearly twenty participants marching...
Glen on the summit. Route: East Face Team: Ted, John Morrison, Glen Poulsen All Chris Davenport said was that two of his friends, who get after it around Tahoe and the Sierras, were coming to town and looking to ski, and that they were going to call Neal and me. Oh and one more thing, they crushed him (Chris) on Mount Williamson, a 14er in California, last month. Hmm, that’s something you never...
The 13er Crystal Peak, in the valley above Francie’s Cabin outside of Breckenridge makes for an outstanding spring ski.
Just getting caught up here on the backlogged trips thus far- this was a great one we had on Sunday, April 26. Forgoing what was the 4th ‘official’ ski area closing day(after all the season extensions), a rather large group of us tested the limitations of modern snowmobiles and headed up the Maroon Creek Road to ski Willow Peak. John Doyle and Kirk sacrificed the machines to get Pierre and Andre Wille, Sean, Christy,...
Pondering the monster cairn. Route: Northwest Ridge Team: Christy, Ted, Jordan White, Frank Konsella, Brittany Walker There are some things that all players in the 14er game must eventually confront. Sooner or later, anyone serious about finishing them, in any season or style, must pay a visit to Culebra Peak (pun)— the peak that resides entirely on a private ranch. Often left until the end, the long drive, required reservation...
Heading up the easy terrain to the West Ridge of Cronin Peak. Date: Feb. 9, 2008Team: Christy, TedRoute: East Face For high peaks in the Sawatch, the East Face couloirs of Cronin Peak are a worthy goal. We made the easy ski up the Baldwin Creek Jeep Road commonly used to access Antero, and the headed west into the basin where easy access to Cronin Peak’s West Ridge can be...
A 2007 spring ski mission into Chicago basin to ski Mount Eolus.
A trip report from a ski descent of the North Face of Tabeguache Peak.
Skiing Belford and Oxford with the Dawson’s and Jordan White.
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