Route: South Face to Chihuahua Gulch
Team: Ted, Christy
After skiing the northeast side of Grays Peak, Christy and I made our way back up to the Grays/Torreys saddle and then to the summit of Torreys. It was pretty nice up there, Christy was especially pleased to be there as this was our first double-summit ski day.

After some creative route finding through patchier snow up high, we found the more continuous lines lower down the southeast face. Jill could watch the corn snow fly as we came back to camp.
We skied out the Peru Creek Road, a fitting end to the weekend as I would head to the Cordillera Blanca later in the week for a climbing trip. Torreys would wrap up my 2001 spring 14er season with only three peaks skied.
2002 wouldn’t be much better.
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